A primary care physician, also referred to as a family doctor, specializes in providing comprehensive care to the community in which they practice. They treat all types of conditions and provide care to people from all parts of the community. They often treat the same families and individuals for years, allowing them to get to know their patients as people, bond with them, and watch them grow up and have children of their own.

A primary care physician's work life is generally very diverse and full of variety. They typically spend a substantial part of their day seeing patients, during which time they diagnose their medical conditions, and recommend a course of treatment. They may need to prescribe medicine, take blood to run laboratory tests, or recommend the patient to a specialist. Nurses generally help family doctors by meeting with patients first, running preliminary tests, and communicating any pertinent information to the primary care physician so they can do a better job of providing treatment.

A family doctor's day can often be very hectic, especially in larger cities where they have to see a large number of patients each day. They may have to deal with packed waiting rooms, late patients, and a diverse array of medical problems. However, a good primary care physician will stay calm and devote individual attention to each patient, regardless of how many people are waiting for their appointments.

Family doctors also need to perform various administrative tasks. They call insurance companies to inquire about payments and deductibles, consult with specialists to help diagnose or treat a particular patient, order lab tests and prescriptions, and perform data entry to keep each patient's medical records up-to-date. These tasks often involve spending time on hold or navigating through electronic phone messages and menus, which can be frustrating because it forces family doctors to cut down on the amount of time they have to see patients. As a result, many work after-hours to get all these tasks done and cut their lunch breaks short to maximize the amount of time they have with their patients.

Despite the time constraints and stress that comes along with being a primary care physician, most practitioners in this field find their jobs to be incredibly rewarding. They work to make their patients' lives better, whether it's through simple tasks like filling out a prescription or more complex steps such as diagnosing an illness or curing a particular medical condition. For more information please go to http://www.alexandriavaclinic.com/

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Our Alexandria VA Clinic has experienced staff to treat common illnesses on sites so your don't have to go to an Emergency Room.

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