22, July 2015: Flipbook software is educational and fun products released by FlipBuilder. The software is aimed towards the younger audience that wants to have a more engaging and interactive experience while reading books. As information is increasingly being digitized in today's technologically driven landscape, books are being formatted and reintroduced onto eBook readers, tablets and smartphones, essentially carrying large libraries within the space of their pockets or bags.

Children have a natural inclination to respond and understand words and sentences in conjunction to colorful visual imagery. FlipBuilder wants to take advantage of this learning curve and help children to grasp visual imagery within a certain context to allow the construction of an intelligible story. Thus FlipBuilder has introduced a software that allows stories to be told and experienced like cartoons and animated movies which children tend to enjoy and understand with far more interest, in comparison to black and white text alone. The visual imagery and animation also stimulates boundless imagination within the infant mind.

Flipbook software by FlipBuilder encourages kindergarten children to focus their attention towards the content of the story, with ingrained audio, animated pictures and videos in conjunction with dynamic text to bring the story, its characters and the environment to life. The book itself is narrated by an audio assistant in a friendly cartoon character's voice. The story book's background is animated through the use of flash. The page turning animations and sounds have been recreated to offer the same sensations as holding and turning the pages of a real, physical book.

There is a real incentive for teachers and parents to 'play' these interactive story books through the FlipBuilder for their children and students. The kids will find studying and reading far more enjoyable and involving with the Flipbook and will be keen to come back to read and experience these animated books.

FlipBuilder's numerous software’s are designed to convert pdf, doc, txt, jpg, ppt, xls, and other different formats to a Flipbook format so that existing books and documents can also be transformed into page flipping digital books. For more information concerning flipbook, the product's website can be accessed at www.flipbuilder.com.