(World Press Release) Boutique investment firm GreenWorld (BVI) announced that it now is able to offer individuals a unique African farmland investment opportunity. GreenWorld (BVI)’s farmland investment offering is located in the African country of Sierra Leone, and is targeted at individuals with a with a minimum investment requirement of only £1,950/hectare for high quality farmland that has already begun producing.

Many large institutions such as hedge funds and pension funds are adding farmland investments to their portfolio. As an asset class, farmland investment is uncorrelated to stocks and other financial instruments, and it also provides an excellent hedge against inflation.

The firm choose African farmland as its investment offering due to the extremely low prices of land on the continent compared to prices of farmland in the West. There has been a huge surge of investment in African farmland by large institutions such as Sovereign Wealth funds. The UK’s Guardian newspaper from June 8, 2011, for example, notes that major US Universities such as Harvard are using their endowment funds to invest in large amounts of African farmland. Likewise, UK private equity fund Emergent has also raised a fund called the African Agriland Fund, which lists a minimum investor commitment of $5,000,000.

Food prices have exploded in the last few years, and the United Nations recently estimated that global food production will need to grow 70% by 2050. With population expected to surge from 6 billion people today to 9.1 billion in 2050, and the amount of arable farmland in the world actually on a downward trend, many commentators such as noted commodities investor Jim Rogers believe farmland investment is the trade of the century.

Many development experts, however, are increasingly concerned that many of the African farmland investments seen recently are exploitive, with food produced purely for export whilst the local population receives no benefit and is frequently pushed off ancestral farmlands. Abdoulaye Bathily, one of the leaders of the think-tank Coalition for Dialogue on Africa (CoDA), recently denounced these large investors, stating that “We are witnessing a new chapter in the history of centuries of exploration of Africa after slavery and of direct use in African soil.”

GreenWorld (BVI)’s farmland investment, however, was specifically designed to be both profitable as well as socially responsible. All of the rice crop from the farmland investment is sold locally within the country, that the local population makes up almost the entire workforce, and that a substantial community investment program exists to build local schools, roads and health clinics, making the project a win-win for both investors and the local population.

GreenWorld BVI currently offers the following opportunities to individual investors:


“¢ Timber Investments
“¢ Farmland Investments
“¢ Green Energy Investments
“¢ Hotel Investments
“¢ Carbon Credit Investments

For further information, please contact:

Josh Cohn
GreenWorld (BVI)
[email protected]


Visit the publisher’s website: http://www.greenworldbvi.com