(Submit Articles) Whenever you come across some unwanted or urgent needs you try to arrange for extra financial aid. But some loans charges extra fee form its borrowers. In this situation you can opt for no fee payday loans. These loans provide monetary aid for coming out of financial crises without any hassle. No fee payday loans are very good option for getting financial help.
A unique feature of these loans is that it does not charge any extra fee from its borrowers. These loans are reasonable loans and help you to fetch the cash help ranging from £100 to £1500 for the period of 14 to 30 days. The loans amount can be repaid back on your next payday. People having bad credit history like default, late payment, arrears, insolvency etc can easily apply for these loans as there is not credit check in it.
Who can apply for these loans?
In order to avail the cash help from these loans you have to fulfill certain conditions these are as follows-
The borrower should attain the age of 18 years.
He should have a valid bank account of 3 months for some electronic transactions.
He should be self employed from 6 months with his regular income.
He should have a permanent residential address from past 1 year.
He should be citizen of UK.
How to apply for these loans?
For availing these loans you can apply through online mode. You just have to fill an online form with some details like name, address, gender, bank account number, loan amount etc. there is no need to go to the lenders office or stand in long queues because everything is done electronically. The amount is deposited in your account with in few hours of approval.
No fee payday loans are short term loans and help you to fulfill all the small needs like telephone bill, medical bill, electricity bill, school fee, tuition fee, grocery bill etc. the rate of interest of these loans is slightly high due to its short period nature but you can negotiate it by searching for the lower rates. Furthermore these loans do not ask for faxing any kind of documents.

Visit the Author's website: http://www.nofeepaydayloans.org.uk/