(Submit Articles) Due to advancement in technology, people are getting tech savvy. New technologies have been used by every field whether it is school, college, educational institutions, any private or public sector organization. Most of the organization does their work online that by making use of internet. As internet got wider access so it will be easy for a multinational organization to operate functions and meeting online easily.

Conferences and meetings are the must events of every organization. All the members have to travel and stay in a particular place for the meeting, but sometime meetings get canceled due to unavailability of boss or any other important member. There is a solution of this big problem. It is virtual meeting or online conference. Online Conferences or Virtual Meetings are concurrent communications that occur on the Internet using various functions like audio and video together. To organize Virtual Meetings that is alike video-conferences but with functionality such as electronic whiteboards and polling tools that make the technology gradually more suitable for education too.

Online Conferences and Virtual Meetings are more beneficial than traditional conference systems. In an online conference or virtual meeting partakers can participate in the conference or meeting from anyplace in the world and can do this at any time, using typical browser software. Partakers are capable to log in as diminutive or as much as they desire ““ during, after or before office hours. They are specified with a password or keywords to avail the service of a range of conference and meeting sets.

Some advantages of Online Conferences and Virtual Meetings

Less expensive ““ as there is no travel and accommodation required to participate in the meetings

More suitable - you can access it at any time you wish for, from anyplace you just need an Internet connection

High degree or standard of partakers or members - characteristically, more people will energetically take part in an online conference or virtual meeting than in a face to face conference, and the level of the deliberations is frequently higher

Wider access ““ people from many countries can take part in Online Conferences and Virtual Meetings together.

There are few features of conducting online conference or virtual meeting over traditional types of meeting. These features are as discussed below.

“¢ Collaborative document editing
“¢ Instant messaging
“¢ Mailing lists
“¢ Online polls
“¢ Personal and shared calendars
“¢ RSS feeds
“¢ Wiki
“¢ Web logs

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