16, December 2015:With free downloads, brand new research material and a complimentary happiness-enhancer test guaranteed to re-establish any individual's positive perceptions, the brand-new Saltori website launch has the entire world in awe.

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With more career-pressure than ever before and mental health issues taking front-page headlines around the globe, the path to joy is quickly becoming one of the most sought after objectives in the twenty-first century.

World-renowned psychologist Andy Shaw's brand new Saltori website nevertheless, guarantees to offer the gift of serenity to all those who require it, publishing complimentary material on his re-vamped Saltori site. Speaking on behalf of Andy Shaw, official spokesperson Peter Halm stated, "If you check out the web, you'll discover many empty pledges of so called 'psychologists' promising users that they can turn their life around in a single day. Unfortunately, a great deal of individuals take the hook, however the fact is, that you cannot change your entire life around in a single day." Halm went on to explain how Andy Shaw's 'A Bug Free Mind' personal development series challenges people to really understand their real intentions, before slowly but surely building up their self-confidence, joy and relationships one-by-one.

"Much like going on a diet plan, developing your soul works best in the long-run. Shaw's series is built up in a series of books, chapters and videos, all in bite-sized pieces, so it can be built into any lifestyle, no matter the scenarios," Halm continued.

Shaw's work has actually been renowned and examined in over 130 countries nationwide. The new Saltori website launch permits users to check out the Saltori lifestyle at no charge at all, whilst the first 5 chapters of Shaw's 'A Bug Free Mind' series are available to download absolutely free from his new website, saltori.com.

For Media Contact:
Company: Saltori
Address: 24 Bowmans Close,
City, State, Country: Steyning, BN44 3SR, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 07546277858
Email Id: [email protected]
Website: http://www.saltori.com/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6YvKhQcJP4