Sept. 28, 2015 Sanford, NC - Pull ups are known as one of toughest conventional exercises many people have on their list of fitness goals. For some it much easier than others to master this testing movement, however with the correct training and a focus on grip strength pull ups will become your warm up in no time!

Regardless what type of pull up you are working towards whether it is a wide grip, hammer grip, standard grip or under grip, if you do not have grip strength it simply just isn’t possible. Imagine a car without wheels, it has all the mechanical power, but without wheels it won’t go anywhere. The same goes for your grip strength and mastering a pull up or otherwise known as a chin-up.

There are many ways to improve your grip strength. One of the most effective and quickest solutions is using hand strengthener tools such as hand grippers. Hand grippers are a great way to isolate your hand and forearm muscles. Use a hand gripper that offers a reasonable resistance such as the Supreme Squeeze, which is available to purchase from Amazon at a affordable price.

Once you have your grip set, the next step is getting that power and strength.

Men’s Health Magazine recommends that working on different muscle contractions to achieve the power and strength is also a necessary part of training. Breakdown the components of a pull up and work on each of them separately. ‘Concentrate on just the lowering part of a pull up’ the magazine recommends. This is also known as a negative chin-up or pull up. Repeat this motion with the various grips and hand widths so you are working every single muscle and also conditioning your hands.

Once you have mastered the negatives the next step is trying assisted pull ups. Of course, a body weight pull up isn’t going to happen over-night so patience and persistence is important. Many people also assume that they cannot complete the pull up because their hands start to slip and suddenly their energy is focussed on gripping the bar rather than using the full power of your body. ‘This challenge is most common for females explains personal trainer Sarah Bryan.

We suggest super setting your assisted pull ups with some hand gripper exercises to help maintain that grip strength and condition your hands as well as your larger muscle groups such as the back, arms and shoulders.

Now it is time to piece together the puzzle. Challenge yourself and simply give it a go. Don’t be afraid to fail purposely, let go of the bar and drop to the ground (safely of course) so you know how to recover if you do slip. This removes the fear factor, once this is gone it is pure power and strength that will drive you to complete a chin-up or a pull—up.

The most common set back to being able to complete a pull-up is lacking a strong grip. You can spend hours focussing on building your strength but a strong grip is simply something you cannot do without. Purchase some hand grippers today so you can grip a bar with confidence and complete those tricky movements such as a pull up.
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Title: Miss
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