04, July 2013: It’s a common practise to throw off the film canisters once you used it to the core. Especially people who processes their films quite often, their garbage bin can be found full of these used canisters. Apparently, a very interesting study has come into notice. According to it, you can upcycle the used canisters and the same can serve the purpose of magnets. Hard to believe, but it is absolutely true! 

Perhaps, you would need the support of some strong magnet to help you in the task. In this regard, Neodymium magnets can be of great help and above all, they do not cost a fortune. People who love to do creative works at home, this could be the perfect activity. Otherwise, one can also go for “pre-made” film canister magnets. These magnets come pre-installed with neodymium magnets, so you would have ready-made magnets for your fridge. Quite interesting though, they are in news around the globe and a lot of people are checking them out already. These can be obtained from http://www.amazon.com/kitchen-dining/dp/B00CHQUVM2 

Indeed, magnetic canisters made of Neodymium magnets look amazingly incredible. It is time you replace your long time fridge magnets and do something out of the box. While you may be thinking of finding them a little difficult, but they are easily available everywhere. Create your own neat magnets and make your own fridge magnets. The next time you have a used canister in your hand, you know what you can do with it! Perhaps, you can use them for pasting your pictures on your fridge. Start the recycling process from home and enjoy the benefits of it.