Anaheim, CA — April 16, 2015 – Tooth decay is the most common cause of bad breath among people. In fact, it is so common that bad breath is generally associated with undiagnosed decaying tooth and mostly people recognize tooth decay only when they experience a toothache, which is symptomatic of the decay`s penetration into tooth nerve.

To be fair, a decaying tooth in itself is not the real culprit behind bad breath. Instead, it is the truth-infecting bacteria that produce bad breath. The bacterium known as Streptococcus mutans produces sulfur compounds in the cavities of teeth, and these compounds lend the foul odor to the breath. The activities of Streptococcus mutans lead to pus formation in the cavities, a condition known in the medical profession as tooth abscess. Once the tooth abscess ruptures, the sulfur compounds are released into mouth resulting in bad breath.

Tooth decay and the resulting bad breath take a long time to materialize. Improper cleansing of mouth after food intake leaves residues of food on tongue, gums and between teeth crevices. When the accumulated food particles becoming a medium of growth for a variety of bacteria; these bacteria, the Streptococcus mutans, which feeds off sugars in the food, is the cause of bad breath. The saliva in the mouth breaks down the carbohydrates in food into sugars. The digestion of these sugars by Streptococcus mutans is accompanied by the release of harmful acid by the bacterium. The acids attack the tooth enamel regularly leading to its breakdown. The entire process goes unnoticed by the unsuspecting majority of people. It is virtually undetectable for a layman to detect the tooth decay. At severe stages, the tooth decay penetrates the enamel and reaches the pulp of the tooth. Quite often, the decay even manages to reach as far as the tooth nerve. These later stages of tooth decay are generally characterized by pus formation, which is the source of foul odor from mouth.

A significant percentage of the population lives in ignorance of bad breath emanating from their mouth. The reason for that lies in human physiology. The mouth is connected to the nose via an opening at the back of the mouth. Our noses are trained to ignore all background odors from its environment, which also includes almost all smells emanating out of mouth. Therefore, a person may never realize the extent of their bad breath and by extension, even the existence of a decaying tooth. It is estimated that roughly 20 percent of all children between the ages of two and four are prone to at least one cavity. By the time they hit 17 – 18 years of age, roughly 80 percent of them will have developed at least one cavity. Among the people of 45 years of age and above, nearly 67% will have lost at least one tooth to decay. It is important to understand that any signs of bad breath indicate advanced stages of bacterial infection and any delay in treatment could result in dire consequences – in rare cases even resulting in deaths.

If you experience bad breath in your mouth, it is highly recommended that you consult your dentist immediately. In Orange County of California our emergency treatment services are open for you on all days, including weekends and holidays. We accept almost all the insurances. Give us a call at 866-989-1335 and we will advise you regarding the closest office to you.

Contact info:
7 Day Dental
[email protected]
Main office:
2265 W. Lincoln Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92801