GTM Solutions , Japan car makers report better than expected earnings.....

Car manufactures in Japan have reported good earnings this quarter, along with the good news Mercedes believed that there own forecast for the future is getting better.

Industry insiders told GTM Solutions that although there are some signs that the industry is improving, although many of the car makers in the world are still struggling. Over the last year sales figures have plummeted because of the global recession, this news from Japan and Germany will be good to hear for other manufactures.

Biggest victims of the downturn include General Motors and Chrysler who have both filed for bankruptcy in the US. But governments around the world have been helping failing companies with large cash injections; it may be that the stimulus plans are now filtering down the economy and doing what the governments had predicated.

General Motors is expected to lead a green automobile revolution in the US as the government is now heavily backing it. GTM Solutions notes that Obama has made no secret of his desire to rebuild the US’s economy through green innovation initiatives.

This week we have seen Ford Motor Co announce a profit for the quarter; sources from Ford told GTM Solutions that they now expect to see a gradual improvement in the markets. But they did warn that the recovery would be slow and fragile.

GTM Solutions analysts explain that although the signs are there conditions will still be the same, the economy is still in a bad way. But we welcome the news as it’s in the right direction for growth, expect more good news from the car industry before the end of the year.