Men with hormome replacement therapy, just as women, have to weigh the risks and benefits. Among the negative side effects include testicular atrophy with prolonged use of hormones, high levels of red blood cells, increased hematocrit, depression, edema, decrease in the production of sperm and semen volume, the decline in IDP-cholesterol. Testosterone is a very powerful drug and should be used only if its level in your body is low. The best way to maintain normal levels of circulating free testosterone (and growth hormone) – is regular vigorous exercise, especially running and weightlifting.

If your free testosterone level is low and you want to raise it to a level which has a young man, using pure natural testosterone, which can be administered by intramuscular injection, suppositories, patches, to be applied to the scrotum, a cream applied to the scrotum or oral capsules. Now an experiment using implantable under the skin of the capsule. Gel used in Europe, which, when introduced under the skin into the blood stream closely simulates the way in which your own acting testosterone. This year, the market entered a transdermal testosterone patch “Androdrem”. This adhesive that can stick to any part of the body, provides continuous release of testosterone and, apparently, in constant level of hormone in the blood without injections. Avoid oral testosterone which is the least effective, and synthetic testosterone such as methyl-testosterone which can be toxic to the liver.

Today many people heard of hormone called “dehydroepiandrosterone”, better known as DHEA. This is called a “source of youth and touted as the best way of weight loss, muscle building, cancer prevention and wellness. But then again, many its beneficial effects are due to the fact that it increases the levels of growth hormone and IGF-1.

The action of testosterone can affect the body good or bad. This steroid works very well for muscle growth and helps very young athletes gain muscle mass in the short term, this steroid also exerts a strong influence on the production of red blood cells and overall health. Also, these steroids are not the best influence on the process of the sebaceous glands of the skin, increased hair growth on both the face and body is working on improving cholesterol levels. Testosterone leads to the formation of the male body of the female hormone estrogen, which leads to the accumulation of water in the muscles and increase body fat and muscle tissue to develop a more feminine type.

Side effects of steroids are manifestations of the negative effect. A large amount of testosterone in the body in most cases results as positive results, and undesirable, but the toxicity of this steroid and if it occurs very rarely. When taking oral steroids, there is a risk of negative effects on the liver, but it depends on the dosage. In total, the side effects of steroids are very rare and extensive practice very rarely occur, except when an athlete takes anabolic steroids are not properly and fairly long. Another interesting aspect! Steroids may favorably affect systematically the general state of the body. Hard to say side effects of steroids as the courses of planned and very strictly under medical supervision, dosages and rest after a course of steroids. is a leading online steroids pharmacy, specially created to buy anabolic steroids online and fat burners without a prescription. Buy Anabolic Steroids online and pay with a Credit Card, since we provide a wide range of anabolic steroids and fat burners. Our catalog ranges the most popular steroids collected from around the world. We do not sell substandard drugs, or “dummy” steroids. Our suppliers regularly provide us with products from Spain, Greece, Pakistan, India, Turkey and other countries.

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