Nottingham Fencing have expanded their range of offerings by including composite fencing  to their range of fence panel options.

The vast majority of garden fences in the UK use wooden panels for the bulk of a fence - with concrete posts and concrete gravel boards making up the other part of the fence. Whilst the use of wood, when sustainable sourced, can be viewed as an environmentally friendly product the initial and ongoing treatment required to provide longevity to a wooden fence panel can be less than ideal. Commonly used wood preserves are not the most eco-friendly chemicals for initial pressure or dip treatment nor are the most popular ongoing fence treatment.

As more and more people want to reduce hassle and maintenance chores in their gardens the choice of composite panels is becoming the choice of more garden owners. The panels used comprise of recycled UPVC and with guarantees of 15 years offer a completely hassle free fencing solution, which looks great throughout and can be kept looking as new with a simple wipe with a damp cloth.

Customers are responding well to this new range - even though it is a more expensive alternative to wood. Once customers start to compare the ongoing costs, hassle and aesthetics - composite panels start to stack up very well against wood with the recycled aspect playing an important part in their overall decision making process.

We expect this trend to continue and will also be keeping an eye on other environmental alternatives as they become available, so we can ensure customers can make the right choice based on their budget, circumstances and ecological views.