(Submit Articles) Thinking about printing your very own color letterhead? If you do and want to do all the letterhead printing and design on your own, you might want first to take stock and know some letterhead failures that you need to avoid. Trust me; it is best to learn from other’s failures so that you do not make the same mistakes. So read on below and learn about a few of the worst kinds of letterheads that are usually produced by newbies. Take this as a learning experience before you print your own business letterheads.

a. The plain letterhead ““ First up, we have the plain letterhead. This is the type of letterhead commonly produced by those letterhead wizards, or simple letterhead templates. These are just your basic letterheads with a standard layout that everybody usually sees. Typically, you have little to no images in this type of letterhead and of course only plain text with little variation.

While this type of letterhead is decent in most cases, this is not something you will want to use for a professional business. A plain letterhead is a sign of laziness and lack of professional quality. So never just design a letterhead plainly. Always plan to customize parts of it effectively to project a good image for business.

b. The “canned“ letterhead ““ Another common bad letterhead concept to avoid is the “canned“ letterhead. These are the letterheads that come directly from letterhead templates. Now, letterhead templates are great in themselves since they do help you with your layouts. However, you should not rely on them to define all your design elements. The less you customize the template, the more boring and canned looking your custom letterheads will become. So make sure that you really try to add in all the personal and customized elements into your letterhead template to make them really unique and noteworthy.

c. The banner advertisement letterhead ““ One big thing to avoid in letterhead printing is to print letterheads that are just about advertising. While it is a good idea to add some small advertisement into your business letterheads, having the advertisement take over the whole design is very bad. Too commercialized letterheads tend to look less trustworthy.

So never ever let your small advertisement take over the whole color letterhead design. Confine your marketing messages to one side of the letterhead, and do it subtly. Just add a slogan and a call to action. You do not need to be loud about the advertisement. The business image and trustworthiness of your letterhead comes first.

d. The picture collage letterhead ““ One bad style that sometimes comes up in letterhead printing are the ones with too many images. This happens where there are too many affiliates, organizations or departments that people think need to be represented in the project or company letterhead. Designs like this can confuse readers and makes the letterhead look very commercialized as well. So when you are making your own letterheads, you should minimize the use of those images to a degree. Just choose the most prominent ones that are need and reduce the size when possible. Do not let the images takeover the whole letterhead or it will look like patchwork of images that just does not look good.

e. The cheap letterhead ““ Finally, try to avoid looking cheap with your letterheads. Many people think that they can just save on costs easily by using cheap paper and inks in their letterhead printing. While this might sound good, it will not bode well for your letterhead design. Cheap paper makes the design of your letterheads look rough, and of course cheap inks tend to deteriorate quite quickly, making your letterheads look faded. So try to spend as much as you can on letterhead printing quality. You will not want to look cheap with your letters with cheap looking letterheads.

Great! Now you know what you need to avoid in letterhead printing. Take note of these mistakes and learn from them. You can really save your custom letterhead from trouble once you know these things.

Visit the Author's website: http://www.printplace.com/printing/letterhead-printing.aspx